
Sunday, April 19, 2009

Grandpa Denny: You've Been Replaced!!

Yesterday at 7:30 am Landon came running into my room "Mom, get up, there's a grandpa here!" Tommy, another wrestling coach, had come to help w/ the deck...Landon hung out w/him all morning, calling him Grandpa about every 30 seconds...

Sunday, April 12, 2009

Happy Easter!!!

Chloe checking out her gifts
Landon trying on Chloe's ears

Putting together Landon's new puzzle from Gma & Gpa Wells

Chloe hunting for eggs

Landon finding his eggs, and helping find mine, too

Landon loved the Easter Egg Hunt

Emily and Chloe looking for their eggs

Grandpa Don finding his eggs

Landon looking at the "goods" in his Easter Basket

The Best Gift? A huge chocolate Bunny.

We had a great Easter. I think the best part was that when it was all over we didn't have to drive 3 1/2 hours home for once. We had the Wells family over today to celebrate. It was a great day. We grilled burgers, had an easter egg hunt outside, and played a little Wii. Yesterday we went to St. Cloud to celebrate w/ my side of the family. We grilled steaks, played cards, and went swimming at Uncle Jake's place. We had a great weekend w/ great family!

Easter Eggs

Thursday night we colored Easter eggs. This year's theme: Star Wars. Landon did well coloring the eggs, however, as you can see from the picture of his hand, he still managed to make a mess. We thought he was maybe turning into Shrek for awhile there. We had the Wells family over for Easter, so Landon made a Star Wars egg for Grandpa Don, Grandma Karen, Auntie Em, Cousin Chloe, and Mom and Dad.

Master of the Diving Board

Landon had been eying the diving board at swimming lessons for four weeks, and he finally got his chance to master it! He was SO proud to show me that he could jump off w/o any help. Now its hard to get him to do anything besides jump off the diving board. Does Swimming season conflict w/ wrestling season? If so we may have a problem!

Sunday, April 5, 2009

Let's Go Fly A Kite!!!

Today was a litte chilly outside, but a great day to fly a kite. Landon and Cody (neighbor kid) had a blast flying the kite for about an hour. Isn't it weird that this morning we woke up to a couple inches of snow, and this afternoon we were outside flying a kite?