
Tuesday, August 12, 2008

Hit Me Baby, One More Time!!!

So more rain fell, and so did another tree!! This time it isn't such an easy fix. We were all sleeping around 5am, and all of a sudden I thought we were being attacked or something, as the tree broke off and came crashing over 15 feet onto the house. When it hit, half of it broke and fell off the house, and the other half is still on the roof. The log Landon is sitting on is one half that fell on top of the house. There is some roof and gutter damage this time, and we're having someone come look at it today. Our neighbor says it'll cost thousands to have both huge trees completely removed so it doesn't happen again. There are still HUGE branches/logs over our house just waiting for their turn to break. It's suposed to storm again tonight, I kinda feel like sleeping in the basement!! I know we want to rent this house until Casey's teaching job is more stable, but mother nature is sure making it difficult!

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