
Tuesday, October 7, 2008

The Not So "Itsy Bitsy Spider"

_This past Sunday, Landon woke up around 7:30 and wanted breakfast. As usual, Casey got him some cereal and went back to bed. About 5 minutes later I wake up to Landon SCREAMING bloody murder! We both jumped up and went out to the dining room thinking he's hurt or something is terribly wrong. When we get out there we find Landon freaked out and theres a HUGE spider that dropped from the ceiling to about 1 inch infront of his face just dangling there! Just thinking about it still freaks me out! What are the odds this spider had to land directly infront of his face as he's sitting there minding his own business eating breakfast? Casey killed the spider and Landon eventually calmed down. When this all happened I didn't have my contacts in so when I first saw Landon freaking out I was just like "what?"and Casey had to tell me about the spider in his face! Needless to say Landon is still a little touchy on the spider subject! Of course Casey takes full advantage of this and scares him whenever possible. The next morning, Landon was excited to receive a halloween package from Grandma Jan, then he opened it and Grandma had mailed Landon 2 huge fake spiders (not knowing what happened the morning before)!! Landon is still a little timid around his new toys!!

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