
Tuesday, November 25, 2008

Tag, I guess I'm it now..........Thanks Terri

I am.....also very THANKFUL for a happy and Healthy FAMILY

I know.....that Africa is a CONTINENT.

I take a vacation.

I have.....everything I need.

I dislike....working 40 hours a week...I'm marrying for money next time~~~

I miss.....the no-stress college life and all the great people I met there.

I feel....Blessed

I hear......Landon coughing (what else is new??)

I smell......nothing (unlike last night when I smelled gas and realized Landon had turned on our gas stove w/o my knowledge and I almost scorched my hair the next time I turned it on)

I crave.......Thanksgiving Dinner w/ my mom's famous mashed potatoes....YUM

I sappy shows like "Extreme Makeover Home Edition"

I search........all the time for my work keys that I constantly misplace

I wonder......why I didn't go to school to be a doctor or a lawyer or a gold digger???

I regret.......the brat I was as a child. I have a feeling revenge as a mother will be quite sweet.

I family, my friends, and TiVo.

I worry....all the time about Landon.. It drives Casey insane.

I remember.......nothing. I have no memory since I got pregnant 4 years ago.

I dance....with Landon in our house, other than that it would take massive amounts of alcohol.

I don't.....cook, clean, or work out as often as I should.

I argue.....with myself. I may be bi-polar.

I write....on post-it-notes a lot since I lost my memory.

I win.............WIN? What does that mean? Ask my sister, I LOSE ALL THE TIME.

I lose........any argument with my sister.

I wish......I won the POWERBALL so I could jet set all around the world w/ family and friends.

I a lot of country music.

I can usually be work or with Landon, both can be very stressful!

I am death of people dying that are close to me.

I need......A VACATION.....

I forget........EVERYTHING

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