
Sunday, March 15, 2009

Spring Fever!!!

Today was gorgeous outside and we took full advantage by riding bike, going to the park, and grilling super. It gave us all Spring Fever. I think I'll die if we have another snowstorm this year, I'm so ready to spend time outside. I even opened the windows for awhile today, it felt great. As you can tell above, Landon would live outside if we let him. Maybe we could just get a dog house for him? I'm already going through the depression I get every summer when my family stays home and I go to work. Today was a horrible reminder of what I'll be missing. I guess I'll have to come down with a couple illnesses this summer and use all my vacation days before the nasty winter returns. Today was a great! I don't know why I live in MN. Mom and Dad, why didn't you move us to AZ or FL when we were younger? I blame you both.

Landon the Fish

Landon started swimming lessons again, and of course loves every second he's in the water. Each week he gets a little more daring. One kid in the class likes to get out run to the deep end and jump in to get his parent's attention. It makes feel like Landon is maybe normal afterall! At least
he's not psycho anyways! I'm sure he'll spend a lot of his summer in the water.