
Sunday, March 15, 2009

Spring Fever!!!

Today was gorgeous outside and we took full advantage by riding bike, going to the park, and grilling super. It gave us all Spring Fever. I think I'll die if we have another snowstorm this year, I'm so ready to spend time outside. I even opened the windows for awhile today, it felt great. As you can tell above, Landon would live outside if we let him. Maybe we could just get a dog house for him? I'm already going through the depression I get every summer when my family stays home and I go to work. Today was a horrible reminder of what I'll be missing. I guess I'll have to come down with a couple illnesses this summer and use all my vacation days before the nasty winter returns. Today was a great! I don't know why I live in MN. Mom and Dad, why didn't you move us to AZ or FL when we were younger? I blame you both.

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