
Thursday, November 4, 2010

Watch out for the Black Spiderman!!

This Halloween Landon decided to be Spiderman...He got the reversable costume so he could be both the Red Spiderman and Black Spiderman, but he stuck with the Black Spiderman for trick-or-treating...His costume also came with some built-in muscles, however Landon didn't think it was neccessary, as he's been building lots of muscle lifting the Wii remote..We spent Halloween first watching the Vikes lose, big surprise there..Then, we headed out to a popular neighborhood in Cambridge that goes all out for the holiday..and this year was no different, except maybe that there was a real mad man on the lose in Cambridge who had just stabbed 2 people with a meat cleaver!!! We ended our night in Isanti at our friends, Keith and Holly's house, so Landon could see what their dog, Max, was dressed up as...he was a hotdog.

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