
Saturday, September 6, 2008

Landon-The Little Heartbreaker

We learned last week at Landon's "school" that he had an admirer named Jenna. Apparently she follows Landon around everywhere, sits by him at lunch, and holds Landon's hand when he lets her. Well, on Friday the teacher overheard Landon tell Jenna that he was going to the Football game with his girlfriend, Cal. Jenna immediately started crying and told Landon she didn't like him anymore! She was mad at him all day and wouldn't sit by him or talk to him. When Casey went to pick him up the teacher told him about the situation and Casey explained that Cal was a BOY. The teacher went and got Jenna from outside and asked Landon if he had anything to tell Jenna, and Landon said "Cal is a boy". I guess Jenna had a huge grin on her face and the teacher asked her if it was okay if Landon went to the game with Cal since he was a boy, and Jenna said yes and gave Landon a big hug!! It's like high school drama in pre-school!! Landon is breaking hearts at only 3 years old, watch out Ladies!!!


Chris Macek said...

Oh boy....Tracey will are going to have your hands full! How FUNNY!

Anonymous said...

Aw, that may be one of the cutest little love stories I've ever heard!